मैं अकिंचन करुँ निवेदन माँ शारदे आओ चिंतन में
भारतीय संस्कृति प्राचीनतम सबसे प्राचीन है भाषा संस्कृत
मिश्र रोमा यूनान का पतन पर हिंद संस्कृति अभी भी जीवित
वेदों में सब ज्ञान की बातें अपने वेदों पर हमको है मान
चीन को किसने सभ्य बनाया देकर उनको कपडो का ज्ञान
आर्यभट ने पहले सिखलाया गणित में शून्य बड़ा अनमोल
वराहमिहिर ने पहले बतलाया देखो यह पृथ्वी है गोल
आदिकाल से करते आये नौ ग्रहों की पूजा हम रोज
बाकी दुनिया वालो सुन लो बाद में की तुमने यह खोज
दुनिया में आयुर्वेद जो लाये वो थे अपने चरक महान
द्रुत करती सारी गणनाएं वैदिक गणित बड़ी आसान
अमृतसर में सोने का मंदिर सकल विश्व में भारत की शान
कोहिनूर नहीं साधारण हीरा अपितु जगत में भारत की आन
नालंदा और तक्षशिला पूरी दुनिया में थे जाने जाते
संपूर्ण विश्व से विद्यार्थी भारत में थे पढने आते
फाह्यान चीनी विद्यार्थी लिखे अद्वितीय भारत का वैभव
दुनिया तो दुनिया जैसी पर भारत एक अनोखा अनुभव
भारत एक सोने की चिडिया चन्द्रगुप्त का था जब शाशन
घरों में न तालों का प्रचलन देश में था इतना अनुशाशन
अतीत हमारा गौरव शाली जरूरी इसकी गरिमा का ज्ञान
कला और संस्कृति के दम से ही विश्व में है होती पहचान
कहे रजनीश अभी समय है हम अपना अस्तित्व न भूलें
अतीत हमारा गौरव शाली सब जन मिलकर बोलें
आज और कल का भेद भुलाकर आओ मिल जुल गायें
अतीत के गौरव को दुहराकर भारत नया बनायें
रचयिता:"रजनीश शुक्ला, रीवा(म. प्र।)"
*Photo by Dinesh Chandra Varshney for Bharat Nav Nirman Only
Atit to shaandaar hai,
kintu ab samay hai ki atiti ki shiksha lekar vartmaan aur bhavishya ko behtar banaya jaaye,
kai buraaiyaan bhi hain jin par chintan avashyak hai ! tabhi sacha avlokan ho payega.
good poem :)
Punit Gupta:
no...the point of argument is "kya bharat ka itihaas sach mein gauravshali tha"...do we want our children to follow the same old dirty culture that differentiates ppl from ppl...that allowed england to capitalize on the differences that were there in our ppl based on religion/caste/region etc....do we want to tell our children how corrupt our country is?
rather....why can't we tell our children how ppl in US live in harmony....how they don't differentiate b/w a sweeper and a CEO of a company....how they respect each other...how there is no corruption...n we should follow the same culture to take our country to next level
n what i am saying is...let's stop talking abt our ateet if that has not been able to motivate our citizen to the point when the become as cultured as ppl in US....rather lets talk abt the other gud cultures in the world like Japan/US or elsewhere....n lets in fact appreciate them for showing us a proper way of behaving
there is nothing like "swabhiman of nation"....it's the swabhiman of individuals in the nations....n in our nation most of us seem to have only "abhiman"
who makes society n the nation.....it's the ppl living their - 'the individuals'....so if most of the individuals have 'abhiman' how can the country have 'swabhiman'
there also r ppl who don't feel bad just by who lost....they take it normally....n all I am saying is - the second category of ppl are probably better.....why create bitterness in our heart for someone else just b'coz he defeated us in a game
The comment is by author as a reply of Punit's above comment.
let's learn good things from our ateet, what thing in ateet put india in world map, what we forgot
and lets talk abt the other gud cultures in the world like Japan/US or elsewhere....n lets in fact appreciate them for showing us a proper way of behaving
15:19 new things are always welcome and also good things should be retained. we can carryforward.
if i wills say punit is a good boy who ever know punit might motivate
yes I know punit he is good and this boy might learn from punit
so if I will say jacson is good boy
, if people in my country do not know jacso they will be less motivated.
people are not differentiating fine boundries
like swabhiman-abhimaan, vinamrata-deenta so so
swabhimaan is every where
like individual level,society level,nation level
every where.
if it is not the case newzeeland should not feel bad once defeated by australia
they shuold feel happy we learnt
tha's all
that is natioanl level swabhiman
in cricket..football..olampics
we can see that swabhimaan
it's just example
It's good people are comming with there opinion and it will build nation.
Ayesha :
thr r many things today...which should b changed
and v hav the responsiblity of it
but v just talk on this and again busy in daily trials
v need to take owner of the problems
and try to resolve it
ppl networking is very important...the most important thing here is our personality and leadership quality
so tht v can convince ppl
past mistakes yaad karke...v always learn
this wat experience is
this is*
ROHIT....i think puneet da is rt..thr is nthing like swabhiman of the nation its swabhiman of INDIVIDUAL...coz thr nhing is whch called as 'perfect'n thr is no boundree in real bw nations whch is called as india japan us etc....the thing whch is gud is gud n bad is bad.so thr is nthing to say our attit..its better to giving our own contribution inspite of focksing the things whch r already has been done..coz it will be like applying force on a wall net displacpent zero...rmemmber v r in TITLE EVOLVING NEW INDIA not inblog like gupsup.com/?and i dont think thr is fine boundree btween abhiman n swabhiman n ppl r not aware of its diffrence ppl may not know its word meaning bt wt it is every one know very well...>>
यह एक परिवर्तन है जिसे सकारात्मक कह सकते हैं , हम बहस करने को तैयार हैं, हम समीक्षा करते हैं, निष्कर्ष निकलते हैं, विरोध या समर्थन करते हैं, "अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता" रखते हैं, कितने देश रखते हैं ये अधिकार? "मूलभूत अधिकारों की रक्षा " बड़ा सिद्धांत हैं , क्या इस बात को नकारा जा सकता है की पाकिस्तान या अफगानिस्तान में बुद्धिजीवी हैं, या जर्मनी में सभी लोग संभ्रांत हैं, फिर क्या कारण है कि पाकिस्तान जैसे देश लोकतंत्र की रक्षा के लिए संघर्षरत हैं, अफगानिस्तान विश्व के नक्शे में नहीं ठहरता , इतिहास के सबसे बड़े नरसंहार जर्मन और जपनिस ने किये, यदि "देश का स्वाभिमान " जैसी कोई चीज़ नहीं "आत्मसम्मान " ही सब कुछ है तो कोई दो राय नहीं की पकिस्तानी ऐसे "आत्मसम्मान" से लबरेज़ हैं, कम से कम क्रिक्केट के मैदान में तो ऐसा ही दीखता है, देश शब्द "sense of belonging" देता है, हाल ही में अमेरिका की यात्रा कर लौटे एक सज्जन से चर्चा हुई , स्वभाववश व्हो अमेरिका की सम्पन्नता से अभिभूत थे और आवेश में कह गए की "भारत में कीडे रहते हैं, मनुष्य तो अमेरिका में हैं" आस पास के दो तीन cubicles में अचानक माहौल गर्म हो गया , सज्जन एक स्वतंत्र मत रख रहे थे और इसका उन्हें पूरा अधिकार है, उन्होंने किसी पर निजी टिपण्णी नहीं की , किसी का अपमान नहीं किया, किसी व्यक्ति विशेष का नहीं , सज्जन आज भी इस बात पर अडिग हैं की देश सिर्फ ज़मीन का एक टुकडा हैं, और उनका "आत्म-सम्मान" बहुतों से बेहतर है, उनके आत्मविश्वास का सब लोहा मानते हैं, अपने क्षेत्र में पारंगत भी हैं, महत्वपूर्ण कर्मचारी हैं, हर लिहाज़ से श्रेष्ठ हैं, पिछले १ साल से कीडो का देश त्यागकर "इंसानों के देश" में जाने को प्रयासरत हैं, विज़ा interview देते हैं, शान से अपने गाँव का नाम बताते हैं, देश का नाम बताते हैं, किन्तु अभी तक वीसा नहीं बना , शुक्र हैं की नाम के आगे खान नहीं लगा अन्यथा बनना मुश्किल ही था, वो अपने ज्ञान का लोहा मनवाने को लालायित रहते हैं, किन्तु interview में हमेशा देश और गाँव जैसे व्यर्थ के प्रष्ण पूछे जाते हैं, चर्चा कुछ लम्बी हो गयी , आज यही समेटना होगा, हाँ कहना दीगर होगा बात -२ पर अमेरिका का उदाहरण देना फैशन बनता जा रहा है, कोई परहेज़ नहीं अची बात सीखने में , अमेरिका ने भी सीखा है, अन्यथा ५०० वर्श पुराना देश सबका प्रिय नहीं बन जाता इतना जल्दी , नासा , फ्लोरिडा में आज भी विश्व की प्रथम मिसाइल का मॉडल देखा जा सकता है, मॉडल जो टीपू सुलतान के शासन में तैयार हुआ था , हाँ टीपू एक आत्मसम्मान से ओतप्रोत सुलतान था किन्तु नब्बे प्रतिशत भारतीय यह सोचकर नासा में गर्व से भर जाते हैं की वह एक भारतीय था, अमेरिका की महानता पर चर्चा फिर कभी , समय मिले तो एक रोचक Documentary film "Bowling for columbine" ज़रूर देखें
Punit Gupta:
My first comment to this post is actually part of a big discussion that took place b/w me and Rajneesh; and I'll punish Rajneesh later [:-)] for not putting it here to its entirety, making my view point only half clear :)
So let me again try to put forth my thoughts:
My point is, no matter how good our 'Ateet' was (which I think is arguable), today's reality is that we badly need many many improvements in our country, and probably a good way to go about it is to follow those who have already been able to achieve them. Especially so, when proud applaud of our Ateet for so many years/centuries has not been able to make us a better country and better citizens.
If you see, today we are 84th in the list of 'least corrupt countries' out of 180 countries surveyed. Which means there are whopping 83 countries which have lesser corruption than us!! Now, we can always choose to say that - "India was a country of honesty and truth at the time of king Harishchandra" - and then sit happily doing nothing about the current problem as our 'Ateet' has been great. Or, we can choose to learn from the other 83 countries which are less corrupt than us and try to see how they have been able to keep the corruption from entering the roots of the nation. "I hope none of us will choose to say that we are still better than 96 countries so we can wait till they improve!!" :>)
All I am trying to say is, it's high time we start looking out of the box (here the box being our 'Ateet'), accept the fact that there are countries/cultures which are 'today' doing better than us (no comment on how they were in 'past'), and then try to learn from them. (Please note that learning good things from others does not mean forgetting the good things we already do. Neither does it make us inferior!!)
When my discussion with Rajneesh was going on, he brought out the issue of 'divorce'. His point was, in India the rate of divorce is far lesser than that in US. I completely agree with him and in fact am happy about it. But does it necessarily mean that it's because all the married couples in India are happy with each other. At least I don't think so. I have seen husbands torturing their wives like anything and wives simply tolerating everything silently. In fact one of my teachers in 'Saraswati' school (to whom I used to for maths tuition) used to beat his wife in front of me just because she had given birth to only 'girls'!!
So I told Rajneesh that the divorces in India are less simply because wives silently keep tolerating all the tortures on them and don't come out in open. To which Rajneesh had a point that if they go for the divorce their life will be even worse. I again agree! But doesn't it point to another weakness in our culture. Why doesn't our culture give respect to divorced/widowed women. Why can't we accept them as a normal human being. In US, divorced/widowed women don't have such problems - they are accepted, they are loved and if they want they again get married. So when we say that India has lesser divorce rate than US, we should actually go till the root cause of it. I think, it's the fear of being rejected from society that keeps Indian women from coming out in open. Now we can again refer to our 'Ateet' and sit idle just because 'Raja Ram Mohan Roy' has already done so much for women. Or we can learn from US (or other such countries) and work on improving the condition of divorced/widowed women in our country.
I'll rest my case with this, reiterating that "there is nothing bad in learning from others and in accepting the weaknesses in ourselves. We are better than others in certain areas; but the areas in which we are not, we better be ready to learn - 'happily'!!"
"I have travelled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one persion who is a beggar, who is a thief, such welth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such caliber, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage. and , therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their selfsteem, their native culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation"
great poem .....
it feels gud after reading this...
i m proud or Feeling self-respect to be a indian!!!!!!
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